- Promotional Material
- Newsletters
- Public Deliverables
- Publications
- Press Releases
- Practice Abstracts
- Best Management Practices
– All deliverables of the below list will soon be uploaded in PDF format –
- Deliverable 1.1 Report on user requirements for the OPTIMA IPM system
- Deliverable 1.2 Report on results of the co-creation groups
- Deliverable 1.3 Report on final evaluation of the IPM system
- Deliverable 1.4 Manual with guidelines for the OPTIMA IPM system practice recommendation
- Deliverable 3.3 New molecular diagnostic qPFD tool for carrot; genetic and biochemical candidates for host resistance for the three diseases; report of the most efficient plant defence elicitors or other biocontrol agents on Alternaria leaf blight, grape downy mildew and apple scab
- Deliverable 3.4 Report on fungicide resistance on Alternaria leaf blight, grape downy mildew and apple scab
- Deliverable 3.5 Report on the optimal combination of bio- and synthetic PPPs and IPM strategy for Alternaria leaf blight, grape downy mildew and apple scab in different geographical regions
- Deliverable 4.1 Report on optimal spray configuration and parameters for the different crop-disease-PPP combinations
- Deliverable 4.2 Report on drift reduction technologies for the different crop-disease-PPP combinations
- Deliverable 5.1 Report on the evaluation of the standalone early detection system and the DSS
- Deliverable 5.2 Report on the evaluation and quantification of the efficacy of selected synthetic and bio-PPPs
- Deliverable 5.3 Report on the evaluation and quantification of drift reduction and improved coverage obtained with the smart sprayers
- Deliverable 5.4 Report on the evaluation and quantification of the improvements obtained with the smart sprayers
- Deliverable 7.1 Communication and Dissemination Strategy and Action Plan
- Deliverable 7.2 OPTIMA newsletter
- Deliverable 7.3 OPTIMA brochure and leaflet
- Deliverable 7.4 Report on Communication and Dissemination activities
- Deliverable 7.6 First batch of practice abstracts for end-users
- Deliverable 7.7 Second batch of practice abstracts for end-users
- Deliverable 8.2 Data Management Plan & Support Pack
Scientific publications in peer reviewed journals
- Should oral exposure in Hypoaspis aculeifer tests be considered in order to keep them in Tier I test battery for ecological risk assessment of PPPs?
- Field assessment of a pulse width modulation (PWM) spray system applying different spray volumes: duty cycle and forward speed effects on vines spray coverage
- Boom sprayer optimizations for bed-grown carrots at different growth stages based on spray distribution and droplet characteristics
- Performance of a Prototype Boom Sprayer for Bed-Grown Carrots Based on Canopy Deposition Optimization, Ground Losses and Spray Drift Potential Mitigation in Semi-Field Conditions
- The effect of fan setting, air-conveyor orientation and nozzle configuration on airblast sprayer efficiency: Insights relevant to trellised vineyards
Publications in conference proceedings / workshops
- OPTIMA EU project: main goal and first results of inventory of current spray practices in vineyards and orchards
- Optimizing IPM – Attractive challenges of H2020 EU project OPTIMA
- OPTIMA – OPTimised Integrated Pest MAnagement for precise detection and control of plant diseases in perennial crops and open-field vegetables
- OPTIMA H2020 and LIFE-PERFECT projects: development and application of new techniques for sustainable PPP spray application
- Development of a methodology to select the optimal application technologies in apple crop – EU project OPTIMA-H2020
- OPTIMA Project: development of a smart sprayer for vineyards
- OPTIMA project: development of a smart sprayer for bed-grown carrots
- H2020 – OPTIMA – Optimised Pest Integrated Management to precisely detect and control plant diseases in perennial crops and open-field vegetables
- Life cycle assessment of grape cultivation in Piedmont, Italy
- Early Disease Detection in Apple and Grape Using Deep Learning on a Smart-Camera
- Detecting Spectral Signals in Imaging for Disease Detection in Apple and Grape
- OPTIMA – Optimised Pest Integrated Management to Precisely Detect and Control Plant Diseases in Perennial Crops and Open-field Vegetables
- An innovative sprayer design methodology for optimal plant protection of bed-grown carrots
- Pulse Width Modulation: Effect of duty cycle on nozzle flow rate, droplet characteristics and vertical spray distribution
- Zone-Selective plant protection based on AI pest early detection
- Optimization of spray application on bed-grown vegetables. On-going developments within the OPTIMA project
- Smart orchard sprayer to adjust pesticide dose to canopy characteristics
- Development of a smart sprayer for vineyards: first experimental results using PWM spray system
- Exploring variable air flow rate as a function of leaf area index for optimal spray deposition in trellised vineyards
- Airblast sprayer electrification for real-time, continuous fan-airflow adjustment according to canopy density during pesticide application in 3D crops
- Fan airflow setting in vineyards spray applications: first field tests for the development of the OPTIMA smart sprayer
Professional articles
- Spectrale beeldverwerking van planten (p. 11-15, article in
- Blik op de toekomst: Preciesielandbouw (p. 82-85, article in
- Precision agriculture (p. 82-85)
Ελληνική καινοτομία: Μιξ φυτοφαρμάκων κατά τριών ασθενειών
Gezonde appelen, druiven en wortelen
OPTIMA, un progetto Horizon 2020 per ottimizzare la gestione sostenibile e di precisione dei patogeni vegetali
UE atribui 3,5 milhões de euros a projeto para reduzir o impacto do uso de pesticidas
Goede spuittechniek start bij keuze van juiste dop
Optima project already contributing to reducing negative effects of crop protection agents (also available in
Hyperspectrale beeldvorming stelt ons in staat om goud te zien oplichten in een goudmijn – De hyperspectrale toekomst
Καταπολέμηση ασθενειών σε φρούτα και λαχανικά με έξυπνα ψεκαστικά
Smarter spray technology shows promise for reduction of plant protection products (also available in
Slimme spuittoestellen klaar voor testen in de wortelteelt
Drift reduceren met alle middelen
UAV imaging: the future of yield prediction research
Viticoltura, con Optima la difesa diventa di precisione
Camera on tractor sees whether biological crop protection is necessary (also available in
Un programme contre l’ Alternaria de la carotte
New publication on boom sprayer optimizations for bed-grown carrots
Caffini for OPTIMA: the latest news for culture protection (also available in
«FIERAGRICOLA INNOVATION AWARD 2022» premia Caffini Smart Synthesis Hybrid
Αμπέλι: Εξοικονόμηση 50% του ψεκαστικού υγρού με έξυπνα συστήματα
Pulverizadores Fede proves the effectiveness of the Smartomizer H3O by applying selective treatments within the European project OPTIMA (also available in
Een blik op spuittoestel van de toekomst
Een slimme en precieze spuit voor wijngaarden
Αμπέλι: Μείωση διασποράς του ψεκαστικού νέφους κατά 30% και εφαρμογή λιγότερων μυκητοκτόνων για τον περονόσπορο
- Survey on user requirements for OPTIMA IPM system: results obtained in France (also available in
- Survey on user requirements for OPTIMA IPM system: results obtained in Italy (also available in
- Survey on user requirements for OPTIMA IPM system: results obtained in Spain (also available in
- Detection of downy mildew on grape leaves with spectral image analysis
- Detection of downy mildew on grape leaves with deep-learning on high resolution RGB images
- Biological control of grape downy mildew
- Chemical control of grape downy mildew
- Biological control of Alternaria leaf blight in carrots (also available in
- Assessment of optimal operative parameters for a vineyard smart sprayer (also available in
- Reducing the use of plant protection products in carrot fields by band spray applications
- Optimal spray configuration for an efficient and sustainable PPP use in apple trees (also available in
- Development of artificial apple trees for laboratory trials (also available in
- Focus Group and end user assessment of OPTIMA IPM strategy in vineyards (Italy) (also available in
- Focus Group and end user assessment of OPTIMA IPM strategy in apple orchards (Spain) (also available in
- Focus Group and end user assessment of OPTIMA IPM strategy in open field carrots (France) (also available in
- OPTIMA DSS for the detection of plant diseases in vineyards, carrots and apples (also available in
- Description of OPTIMA EDS and results
- BMPs for Vineyard Downy Mildew control (also available in
- BMPs for Apple Scab control (also available in
- BMPs for Alternaria leaf blight in carrots (also available in
- Best Management Practices for set-up and use of smart sprayers
- Best Management Practices for spray applications in vineyards (also available in
- Best Management Practices for spray applications in apple orchards (also available in
- Best Management Practices for spray applications in bed-grown carrot fields (also available in
- Field evaluation of the OPTIMA IPM system: Vineyard case (also available in
- Field evaluation of the OPTIMA IPM system: Apple case (also available in
- Field evaluation of the OPTIMA IPM system: Carrot case (also available in
- Integrated Pest Management on vineyards: multi-criteria assessment addressing human health and environmental risks, impacts and costs (also available in
- Integrated Pest Management for apple orchards: multi-criteria assessment addressing human health and environmental risks, impacts and costs (also available in
- Integrated Pest Management for carrots: multi-criteria assessment addressing human health and environmental risks, impacts and costs (also available in
- Chemical control of apple scab (also available in
- Biological control of apple scab (also available in