- Promotional Material
- Newsletters
- Public Deliverables
- Publications
- Press Releases
- Practice Abstracts
- Best Management Practices
– All deliverables of the below list will soon be uploaded in PDF format –
- Deliverable 1.1 Report on user requirements for the OPTIMA IPM system
- Deliverable 1.2 Report on results of the co-creation groups
- Deliverable 1.3 Report on final evaluation of the IPM system
- Deliverable 1.4 Manual with guidelines for the OPTIMA IPM system practice recommendation
- Deliverable 3.3 New molecular diagnostic qPFD tool for carrot; genetic and biochemical candidates for host resistance for the three diseases; report of the most efficient plant defence elicitors or other biocontrol agents on Alternaria leaf blight, grape downy mildew and apple scab
- Deliverable 3.4 Report on fungicide resistance on Alternaria leaf blight, grape downy mildew and apple scab
- Deliverable 3.5 Report on the optimal combination of bio- and synthetic PPPs and IPM strategy for Alternaria leaf blight, grape downy mildew and apple scab in different geographical regions
- Deliverable 4.1 Report on optimal spray configuration and parameters for the different crop-disease-PPP combinations
- Deliverable 4.2 Report on drift reduction technologies for the different crop-disease-PPP combinations
- Deliverable 5.1 Report on the evaluation of the standalone early detection system and the DSS
- Deliverable 5.2 Report on the evaluation and quantification of the efficacy of selected synthetic and bio-PPPs
- Deliverable 5.3 Report on the evaluation and quantification of drift reduction and improved coverage obtained with the smart sprayers
- Deliverable 5.4 Report on the evaluation and quantification of the improvements obtained with the smart sprayers
- Deliverable 7.1 Communication and Dissemination Strategy and Action Plan
- Deliverable 7.2 OPTIMA newsletter
- Deliverable 7.3 OPTIMA brochure and leaflet
- Deliverable 7.4 Report on Communication and Dissemination activities
- Deliverable 7.6 First batch of practice abstracts for end-users
- Deliverable 7.7 Second batch of practice abstracts for end-users
- Deliverable 8.2 Data Management Plan & Support Pack
Scientific publications in peer reviewed journals
- Should oral exposure in Hypoaspis aculeifer tests be considered in order to keep them in Tier I test battery for ecological risk assessment of PPPs?
- Field assessment of a pulse width modulation (PWM) spray system applying different spray volumes: duty cycle and forward speed effects on vines spray coverage
- Boom sprayer optimizations for bed-grown carrots at different growth stages based on spray distribution and droplet characteristics
- Performance of a Prototype Boom Sprayer for Bed-Grown Carrots Based on Canopy Deposition Optimization, Ground Losses and Spray Drift Potential Mitigation in Semi-Field Conditions
- The effect of fan setting, air-conveyor orientation and nozzle configuration on airblast sprayer efficiency: Insights relevant to trellised vineyards
Publications in conference proceedings / workshops
- OPTIMA EU project: main goal and first results of inventory of current spray practices in vineyards and orchards
- Optimizing IPM – Attractive challenges of H2020 EU project OPTIMA
- OPTIMA – OPTimised Integrated Pest MAnagement for precise detection and control of plant diseases in perennial crops and open-field vegetables
- OPTIMA H2020 and LIFE-PERFECT projects: development and application of new techniques for sustainable PPP spray application
- Development of a methodology to select the optimal application technologies in apple crop – EU project OPTIMA-H2020
- OPTIMA Project: development of a smart sprayer for vineyards
- OPTIMA project: development of a smart sprayer for bed-grown carrots
- H2020 – OPTIMA – Optimised Pest Integrated Management to precisely detect and control plant diseases in perennial crops and open-field vegetables
- Life cycle assessment of grape cultivation in Piedmont, Italy
- Early Disease Detection in Apple and Grape Using Deep Learning on a Smart-Camera
- Detecting Spectral Signals in Imaging for Disease Detection in Apple and Grape
- OPTIMA – Optimised Pest Integrated Management to Precisely Detect and Control Plant Diseases in Perennial Crops and Open-field Vegetables
- An innovative sprayer design methodology for optimal plant protection of bed-grown carrots
- Pulse Width Modulation: Effect of duty cycle on nozzle flow rate, droplet characteristics and vertical spray distribution
- Zone-Selective plant protection based on AI pest early detection
- Optimization of spray application on bed-grown vegetables. On-going developments within the OPTIMA project
- Smart orchard sprayer to adjust pesticide dose to canopy characteristics
- Development of a smart sprayer for vineyards: first experimental results using PWM spray system
- Exploring variable air flow rate as a function of leaf area index for optimal spray deposition in trellised vineyards
- Airblast sprayer electrification for real-time, continuous fan-airflow adjustment according to canopy density during pesticide application in 3D crops
- Fan airflow setting in vineyards spray applications: first field tests for the development of the OPTIMA smart sprayer
Professional articles
- Spectrale beeldverwerking van planten (p. 11-15, article in )
- Blik op de toekomst: Preciesielandbouw (p. 82-85, article in )
- Precision agriculture (p. 82-85)
- Ελληνική καινοτομία: Μιξ φυτοφαρμάκων κατά τριών ασθενειών
- Gezonde appelen, druiven en wortelen
- OPTIMA, un progetto Horizon 2020 per ottimizzare la gestione sostenibile e di precisione dei patogeni vegetali
- UE atribui 3,5 milhões de euros a projeto para reduzir o impacto do uso de pesticidas
- Goede spuittechniek start bij keuze van juiste dop
- Optima project already contributing to reducing negative effects of crop protection agents (also available in )
- Hyperspectrale beeldvorming stelt ons in staat om goud te zien oplichten in een goudmijn – De hyperspectrale toekomst
- Καταπολέμηση ασθενειών σε φρούτα και λαχανικά με έξυπνα ψεκαστικά
- Smarter spray technology shows promise for reduction of plant protection products (also available in )
- Slimme spuittoestellen klaar voor testen in de wortelteelt
- Drift reduceren met alle middelen
- UAV imaging: the future of yield prediction research
- Viticoltura, con Optima la difesa diventa di precisione
- Camera on tractor sees whether biological crop protection is necessary (also available in )
- Un programme contre l’ Alternaria de la carotte
- New publication on boom sprayer optimizations for bed-grown carrots
- Caffini for OPTIMA: the latest news for culture protection (also available in )
- «FIERAGRICOLA INNOVATION AWARD 2022» premia Caffini Smart Synthesis Hybrid
- Αμπέλι: Εξοικονόμηση 50% του ψεκαστικού υγρού με έξυπνα συστήματα
- Pulverizadores Fede proves the effectiveness of the Smartomizer H3O by applying selective treatments within the European project OPTIMA (also available in and )
- Een blik op spuittoestel van de toekomst
- Een slimme en precieze spuit voor wijngaarden
- Αμπέλι: Μείωση διασποράς του ψεκαστικού νέφους κατά 30% και εφαρμογή λιγότερων μυκητοκτόνων για τον περονόσπορο
- Survey on user requirements for OPTIMA IPM system: results obtained in France (also available in )
- Survey on user requirements for OPTIMA IPM system: results obtained in Italy (also available in )
- Survey on user requirements for OPTIMA IPM system: results obtained in Spain (also available in )
- Detection of downy mildew on grape leaves with spectral image analysis
- Detection of downy mildew on grape leaves with deep-learning on high resolution RGB images
- Biological control of grape downy mildew
- Chemical control of grape downy mildew
- Biological control of Alternaria leaf blight in carrots (also available in )
- Assessment of optimal operative parameters for a vineyard smart sprayer (also available in )
- Reducing the use of plant protection products in carrot fields by band spray applications
- Optimal spray configuration for an efficient and sustainable PPP use in apple trees (also available in )
- Development of artificial apple trees for laboratory trials (also available in )
- Focus Group and end user assessment of OPTIMA IPM strategy in vineyards (Italy) (also available in )
- Focus Group and end user assessment of OPTIMA IPM strategy in apple orchards (Spain) (also available in )
- Focus Group and end user assessment of OPTIMA IPM strategy in open field carrots (France) (also available in )
- OPTIMA DSS for the detection of plant diseases in vineyards, carrots and apples (also available in )
- Description of OPTIMA EDS and results
- BMPs for Vineyard Downy Mildew control (also available in )
- BMPs for Apple Scab control (also available in and )
- BMPs for Alternaria leaf blight in carrots (also available in )
- Best Management Practices for set-up and use of smart sprayers
- Best Management Practices for spray applications in vineyards (also available in )
- Best Management Practices for spray applications in apple orchards (also available in )
- Best Management Practices for spray applications in bed-grown carrot fields (also available in )
- Field evaluation of the OPTIMA IPM system: Vineyard case (also available in and )
- Field evaluation of the OPTIMA IPM system: Apple case (also available in )
- Field evaluation of the OPTIMA IPM system: Carrot case (also available in and )
- Integrated Pest Management on vineyards: multi-criteria assessment addressing human health and environmental risks, impacts and costs (also available in )
- Integrated Pest Management for apple orchards: multi-criteria assessment addressing human health and environmental risks, impacts and costs (also available in )
- Integrated Pest Management for carrots: multi-criteria assessment addressing human health and environmental risks, impacts and costs (also available in )
- Chemical control of apple scab (also available in )
- Biological control of apple scab (also available in )